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EDTC 807 Implementation & Evaluation of Curriculum

This course focuses on getting an understanding of the implementation and evaluation of educational technology curriculum.

Professor: Dr. Tracy Amerman

Spring 2019

The paper highlighted the curriculum struggles in the late 19th and early 20th century regarding Kliebard's (2004) reading and noted significant movements and people.

Charles Eliot, a humanist, saw reasoning power as a central element of schooling.


G. Stanley Hall, a developmentalist, pushed the curriculum to be child-focused, where learning instructions should be organized accordingly to the capabilities of children at different successive growth stages


Joseph Rice, a social efficiency educator, saw a lot of waste in the curriculum eliminated through scientific management.


Lester Ward, a social meliorist, pushed to use education as a movement to correct the injustices that occurred in society.

The paper was a review of conservative and progressive issues in education. A comparison made between E. D. Hirsch's conservative view against Howard Gardner's progressive view.

The paper was a review of an informal learning environment with a focus on LinkedIn Learning.

The paper explored the implementation of a Raspberry curriculum plan included coverage of the capacity review, the transition phase, training, the implementation phase, and the evaluation of its effectiveness.

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